It’s widely acknowledged that there is a shortage of drivers in the UK road haulage sector. But why is that? Why has the FTA reported a shortage of 45,000 drivers on our roads?
Well, parliamentary research has highlighted lack of investment in drivers and driver training, poor roadside facilities, poor terms and conditions, the attractiveness of other similar jobs and the cost of licence acquisition.
In short, if we want a more competitive market, we need to rethink our relationships with drivers, and make them last.
“The “UK disease” of under-investment in staff training, conditions and pay has been top of the causation list for the driver shortage for a number of years – it’s now time to face up to the issue - Industry must take steps to improve terms and conditions so it can recruit and retain the drivers it needs,” said Tom Footitt, General Manager at National Recruitment Line.
The benefits of permanent drivers speak for themselves. They buy in to the company’s goals and values. They become a part of your company, a far-reaching extension of the culture and values of your brand.
The widely relayed conversation of the CFO asking “What happens if we train our staff and they leave?” with the CEO replying “What happens if we don’t and they stay?” rings true in industry here.
What you need is a driving workforce aligning with the mission to deliver the best service. And that’s even more important if those employees are driving a load carrying your brand name.
How do I find drivers looking for permanent work in my area – and how do I know what they want to earn?
The National Recruitment Line has a growing database of qualified and trainee drivers across the UK who are looking to work for employers who value and reward loyal drivers.
Want to find out more about how our permanent recruitment solution can help benefit your business? Visit www.nationalrecruitmentline.com or email [email protected]
20 February 2018